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The New Kid on the Block: The Challenger Party

Isabell Hoffmann
EU policy nerd mit besonderem Interesse an Demokratie- und Legitimationsfragen
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Isabell HoffmannDienstag, 08.12.2015

Trying to understand how to annoy the hell out of established democratic parties? Sara Hobolt and Catherine de Vries give you a tour around the tactics and technics of those who succed best these days. They call them challenger parties: "Issue entrepreneurship and issue flexibility are the prerogative of challenger parties rather than established parties as the former are not constrained by historical legacies linked to long-standing social divisions and therefore have much more room for programmatic malleability.

Charismatically, challenger parties are explicitly anti-establishment, emphasise the personality of the leader and use emotional appeals in their rhetoric. This charismatic strategy allows challenger parties to carefully craft a basis of support amongst those voters that felt left behind by mainstream politics.

What is crucial for the strategy of challenger parties and their success is the combination of programmatic and charismatic strategies. This combination allows challenger parties to make even distant and technocratic issues, like European integration, into a vote winner and allows them to merge a diverse set of issue positions into a coherent narrative about the failings of the establishment.

The New Kid on the Block: The Challenger Party

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Kommentare 1
  1. Georg Wallwitz
    Georg Wallwitz · vor fast 9 Jahre

    Die Europäische Linke ist nach wie vor gefährlich weit davon entfernt, sich den Aufstieg von Figuren wie Trump, Le Pen, Farange etc. zu erklären. Da kommt meist nur Publikumsbeschimpfung, dass deren Wähler Politik einfach nicht verstehen und so zu vollkommen irrationalen Einstellungen und Entscheidungen kommen.
    Menschen, die aus reiner Vernunft handeln, hat es nie sehr viele gegeben. Die meisten werden von den Umständen geprägt, so sehr man das bedauern mag. Und die Umstände fördern derzeit den Rand und schwächen die Mitte.


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